The Situation

Organizations have concerns about the following:

  • Grow Revenues to keep up with increasing costs – revenues are the #1 way to grow.
  • Reduce Employee failures in work quality, customer treatment, and attitudes.
  • Recruit better people and capacity.
  • How to Exit the Business through a sale or by transformation of Management and Key Positions to enable the next higher phase of growth.
  • Grow net profit to be able to pay and keep quality people, grow, through investment, pay down debt, build cash savings to reduce risks.
  • Prevent liabilities such as law suits, accidents, increasing insurance costs.

The Problem

Most frustrations that Organizations face are caused by rapid change in technology, people’s attitudes, extreme competition, lack of new and better systems, and training to change people’s behavior.

Most Organizations can’t change because they don’t know how to improve their processes, don’t have professional trainers, or don’t have the time to perform the complex tasks to get it done right.

If there is no change, then the consequences can be severe. If systems are not working or people’s behavior doesn’t improve, lawsuits will happen, large customers will be lost, businesses will fail; it’s just a matter of time.

The Great Opportunity

We have developed a systems innovation and training product that resolves 90% of concerns. Our process trains people to continuously improve performance at a scale never achieved before. We work well beyond the capabilities and capacities of the Organization’s current systems.

Owners and Management can determine the value of systems and training by calculating the forecasted cost of unresolved methods to improve employee behaviors, performance, grow revenues, increase net profit, prevent liabilities, risks, or how to Exit and transform to the next generation of Managers and skilled staff. The trend of most Organizations is to outsource systems projects as is shown in that the fastest growing employment is freelancing. Experts can be retained less expensively than employees and get specialty work done faster and better because that’s what they’re trained to do.

Our Organization has innovated systems and trained people in over 200 Organizations, in all industry segments. We are affordable, good, and fast. We have received almost 3,000 visits to our website this quarter and nearly doubled our contacts. I have been certified by the E-Myth Academy, Expert Ratings, and Michigan State University School of Management. I have published two books, selling now on Amazon.

Our “Pitch”

The Perpetual Entrepreneur System

  Management System  Sales and Marketing System  Operations System  Finance System

About you

You are an Entrepreneur. That is how you have managed to take an idea and turn it into a business. What you most likely want is to turn it into a continuously successful business. The Perpetual Entrepreneur System is the most effective way to run a business. It teaches employees to think and act motivated, responsible and professional. They learn to measure goals and take actions the same way the financial world does.

The Perpetual Entrepreneur provides a total management system that teaches employees to know and behave in ways that help control their success in the business. The results? Business performance improves.

How do we know it works? Using the training described in the Perpetual Entrepreneur, our company Holt Marketing and Management has grown from zero to three divisions and consulting over 200 companies, many that have doubled and tripled sales and profits.

The Perpetual Entrepreneur is composed of four main modules:

  1. Management – Know the Plan
  2. Marketing – Know How to Get More Customers
  3. Operations – How to do the Work Better
  4. Financial – Know how to Make Money

The Modules all follow the same theme.

  1. Process
  2. Key Performance Indicators
  3. Continuous Improvement

It’s tough to succeed if people don’t have a plan. It’s tough to succeed if people don’t know the score. It’s impossible to grow if you’re not continuously improving.

Within each of the modules there are several sales systems that help accomplish the planned result.

  • High Involvement
  • Business Training
  • Information Sharing
  • Coaching and Team Meetings

The main focus of the module training is building both a better employee and a better business. Key Performance Indicator is the number that drives the biggest impact on goal. The KPI can make or break the department or the Company. Where the Key Performance Indicator is set and tied to goals, the standard has been set. Using frequent communication and constant education in process, Company success is determined.


  • Raise your performance at a scale never achieved before, well beyond the capabilities of your current systems, while creating a positive attitude and team culture
  • Improve profits and sales as well as customer satisfaction at a scale never seen before.
  • Reduce risk of failure

About us

We are an entrepreneurial firm that specializes in proprietary unique systems management and marketing – we train people to continuously improve performance at a scale never achieved before. We work well beyond the capabilities and capacities of an Organization’s current systems. By creating a positive attitude and team culture, we unlock unlimited growth potential. By focusing on key performance indicators; we improve profits, cash flow, sales, customer satisfaction and recruiting.

We are able to do this by:

  • Identifying work flow patterns
  • Distinguishing critical processes
  • Recognizing key resources
  • Determining the best practices and standardizing them.
  • Eliminating waste, time, scrap and rework
  • Establishing feedback loops that include variances to goal, reasons for those variances and systems innovation that solves the problem

Our true intent is to develop a relationship with you so that when you are approaching change, you are aware of the solutions we have to offer.

Please let us know your thoughts, questions, and concerns in the comments below…we appreciate all feedback!

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Help Me Grow My Business!
Published On: December 23rd, 2014 /

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