Business Valuation Creates Wealth? 

How do you become wealthy? If you already are wealthy, how do you keep that wealth?

There is a limiting belief in which people feel they are doing as well as they can – that belief is the flaw that keeps people from achieving all that they are capable of. The solution is to shift your thought process to a mindset of constant learning.

What Is Constant Learning? 

People’s knowledge grows and lifts them to unlimited potential and opportunity. There is “what you think you know” but what is preventing you from going to the next level is “what you don’t know.”

A great example of this is when you are trained to work with a new company. Your trainer most likely teaches you the way he or she was taught, possibly according to procedure, or maybe in a way that they believe to be the best.

However, none of those ways have your thought process behind them.

Have you ever done a job and thought that there had to be an easier way or maybe even developed an easier way?

Many of us have, that is what spurns innovation!

A World Without Creativity Or Innovation Would Be…?

Imagine if nobody ever thought about how to improve upon things. We might still be traveling by foot or horseback, manually doing everything at both work and home!

Now think about what would happen if everybody consulted with industry experts on the best way to do that particular job and updated their methods as new information came out? 

Not only would the work be a lot easier, but more cost efficient as well. Think of how many more happy people we would have in this world!

Wealth Is A Mindset

The mindset of continuous process innovation and measurement goes from instinct and emotion to logic and true success intuitively. Once you begin this process, you can begin the path to creating, and keeping, your wealth.

Wealth is created by the accumulation of knowledge based on standards created in your strategic objective. Your strategic objective is your business and strategic plan reduced to a set of metrics.

The metrics are a tool for measuring your progress toward an objective or 3-5 year end result. It is designed for implementation as a template. Here are a few things to consider when determining your strategic objective. 



1. How Much Money Do You Need To Live?


The question becomes how much money you need to live the way you wish. Not in income, but in assets. In other words;

  • How much money do you need to stop working?
  • If you own the business, how much will you sell it for? Five times earnings? Ten times earnings?
  • When do you want to sell it? Three years from now? Five years from now?
  • Why would someone buy it?

The reason to systemize the business is to make sure the time and money you invest in it produces what you want from it.

2. Is This An Business Opportunity Worth Pursuing?

The second metric is whether it is an opportunity worth pursuing. Here is a list of questions to ask yourself if you are considering an opportunity: 

  • Is there a large enough segment of customers to make the money you set in your first standard?
  • Will the products and services resolve a problem or fill a desire that particular segment will buy?
  • Is the market underserved?
  • What is your service or product?
  • What feeling will your customer get from it? Power? Satisfaction? Peace of Mind? Pride?

3. Selling A Product Or Selling A Feeling…?

People buy feelings. Feelings are more urgent, more unconscious. The demographics and psychographics of your prospects predetermine how you develop that.

  • Who is your most probable customer?
  • What organizational strategy is necessary to achieve your strategic objective?
  • What management strategy will work the best?

Intuitive or creative solutions to these questions can then be input into a system designed to deliver the performance required in your marketing and sales promise.

Creativity Is Unlimited In Opportunity

Intuition or creativity is unlimited in opportunity. Moving from what you believe and “what you think you know” to “what you really know” is a very different way of thinking.

Once you put this mindset into action, you will be amazed at the results you will achieve!

Got 15 Minutes To Find Out How Much Your Business Is Worth? 

Even with a wealth mindset, it is good to find out what your business is worth today.  Have you ever wondered how much your business is worth?  

With a simple tool, and 15 minutes of your time, we can give you an estimate of value….or how wealthy you could be if you sold your business today. 

Even if you are not wanting to sell, the same valuation can show you several options for systemic alignment in order to grow your business.  

What’s Your Business Worth? Click To Find Out!


Published On: February 25th, 2021 /

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