Can you Afford not to Distinguish ISO Certification from Having a Unique Competitive Advantage?

We don’t denigrate ISO certification, because we know it aids in the creation of products and services that are safe, reliable and of good quality. The standards help businesses increase efficiency while managing waste. The process enables buyers to compare businesses for conformity. The downside to that is that it also allows buyers to make purchasing decisions based on price alone, rather than on the unique characteristics of a business that has garnered them the excellent reputation and prolonged success they have worked so hard for. While there is value in the ISO certification, today’s manufactures needs to go beyond those standards to allow customers to accurately compare and differentiate their business from their competitors.
We’ve had many businesses tell us: “We don’t think we need your services because we are ISO certified or our CPA, or our Attorney, or our Operations Manager does these things.” However, once they work with us they discover that nothing could be further from the truth. Holt has a unique spin on the best way to beat your competition by creating monopoly control. Monopoly control could be as simple as having 5-10 unique capabilities that differentiate you from your competitors. Monopoly control is considered by investors as being a very important factor in determining company value and its ability to increase price and win more sales over the long haul. Warren Buffet refers to this idea as a having competitive MOAT around your business. A MOAT is defined as a deep wide ditch filled with water, intended as defense against an attack. The strategy for gaining monopoly control focuses on increasing company valuation and net profit by reducing or even eliminating competitive threats.

Many companies are ISO 9001 certified, but most of those same companies don’t focus on improving the Value Drivers that increase their chances for creating sustained profitability. ISO is focused on improving areas of the business that benefit customers.

Holt focuses on areas that benefit the owners – our clients increase the valuation of their businesses on average by 71%. One of the best ways we do that is by identifying the uniqueness of the company that can be marketed in a different way. As outsiders, we almost always see things insiders don’t see that can create that competitive MOAT!

If you can identify and create five to ten things your company can do that your competitors can’t or don’t promote, you close sales faster and easier. Give us a few minutes of your time and we will show you examples of what we have done for other companies.

Just so you know, our process is simple! When we meet with you we will conduct a quick needs analysis, discuss the products and/or services that would best fit your specific situation and give you a FREE written quote.

Just as simple, for more information or to schedule a FREE assessment, either call or email:

Rich Droste @ 1-989-791-2475, Ext. 14 or


Gary Holt @ 1-989-791-2475, Ext. 13 or

Either of us will find out what you want, make recommendations, then step back and let you decide. It will be our honor to add you to our list of 200 satisfied customers! You may also wish to visit our website: www.

Published On: April 18th, 2018 /

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