More businesses don’t use social media than do. Most businesses still use conventional marketing the same way that it’s been done for the last 50 years. Most businesses still think that to succeed in marketing you just have to get your name out there.

The problem with conventional marketing messages alone is that buyers don’t trust commercials any more. They don’t trust unless they know the people and have some kind of relationship. People want to be educated and hear the news and learn about services and businesses they might need from people they know and trust. They want to share their experiences, both bad and good, with others.

Harvey Mackay has been talking about network marketing for years,, and we agree with him. Social media marketing is a lot like networking.

There is a shift in power from one way conversation (Conventional Marketing) to Social Media Marketing which listens first, understands the conversations and then asks, so what do you do? What do you sell? You understand what they really need and how they think, so you respond in a significantly better way. Social media’s ability to build relationships will result in more sales; it’s like word of mouth on steroids.

We have identified 15 Social Media actions that work. For information you can use to give your business the Edge and add the Power of Social Media, email us your needs or thoughts. We can share what we’ve learned like; Micro Blogging and Meta Tag Improvements Methods.

Published On: February 11th, 2014 /

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