Business Systems Information is defined here as anything that can be digitized. Web pages, videos and articles are all examples of information used by people and businesses to add the value of information to their services and products.

If you do everything you can to make sure your information is really valuable to a customer in a way that differentiates your products and services; you will make sure your competitors can’t even come close to offering the value that you do. You win!

One of the best ways to understand just what would be valuable information to your customers is by observing their online behavior. Research using Facebook, Linkedin and hosting user queries on your website are all effective methods. In addition, measuring keywords, monitoring your blogs and landing pages add to your understanding of your customer’s needs. Search engine marketing makes it easy to personalize information for each segment thereby adding more value to your offering. The cost of information is high to produce, but the increase in attracting and selling new customers should return 1000% or more on your marketing investment.

Email us or call for a Free GoToMeeting Presentation, it only takes 10-15 minutes and your rewards will be the answer you need to increase your sales.

Published On: November 28th, 2012 /

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