The measuring of anything is not what most people want to do. When issues seem urgent the last thing our instincts tell us is to stop to measure, but our instincts could be wrong.

The tendency with measurement is to put it off until later. We make the excuse that we don’t have the time. Let’s wait until later and, of course, later doesn’t come. Because measurements are considered important but not urgent it goes to the back burner.  We forget the wisdom of measure twice and cut once. We cut first and measure later only to discover that the decision we made was very wrong. The cost and time to make corrections, because it is a critical mistake, is very high.

The very essence of making intelligent decisions is based on facts rather than guesses. If the number of sales leads declines, then sales decline; the solution to these declines lies in the marketing and sales systems. The variances are only identified by its measurement. You can increase sales leads by analyzing each marketing and sales process and changing the process that isn’t producing. Sales are increased by setting lead generation goals, developing lead generation strategy and tactics and measuring the variance from the goal. Success lies in the process of innovating until you achieve a better result.

Sometimes, it’s a challenge to measure a tactic; take our small business branded Errands for example. Our tactics include direct mail, brochures, Facebook, website,, and finally we performed a specialty designed vehicle wrap. Leads increased every month, but because we measured we discovered our likes on Facebook and our vehicle wraps earned us better leads.

So how did we change? We invested more in Facebook Rewards for ‘Liking Us’ as well as training our people to give great customer service. We spent less on direct mail and brochures and guess what? Last month was our best month ever!  For more information go

find out more about Process Mapping!
Published On: November 26th, 2012 /

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