Does Telephone Cold Calling Work?

The telephone is the fastest method for doing market research

Prospecting by telephone has been around forever and most don’t like the idea, but guess what? Prospecting by telephone is the fastest method for doing market research to improve company sales.

What’s the Secret to Prospecting?

The secret to Sales prospecting is the right scripts that engage people and build relationships.

Yes, we are performing inbound marketing, but telephone cold calling still creates more prospects and leads and remains an important element to increasing sales.

Team Social Media and Telephone together

A properly trained sales person B2B Call Center can make 200 or more contacts in a day! The process now is about combining telephone prospecting with LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook with over 750,000,000 hits per day.

I recently responded to email messages I received from the best vendors in a variety of industries and guess what happened next?

I received a phone call inviting me to review and join the company’s Facebook page. Why?

Because service means people caring about people. Next to in person, the phone was the only other way to develop a relationship.

Using the Social Media – Telephone team to build relationships

Prospecting by telephone and developing a unique method using Social Media work together to build new relationships. New relationships build new customers and new customers equal more sales.

Do you think Social Media will replace the telephone?

Give us a comment below or call us for a Free Plan about Social Media and Telephone Prospecting and how together they can give you the sales boost you’re looking for.

We have hundreds of telephone prospecting scripts we have developed working with hundreds of companies for over 25 years, we would like to share with you.

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Published On: July 9th, 2014 /

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