If an idea is perceived by a person’s sensory input as compatible with its expectations, the unconscious mind says yes. If the idea is perceived by the unconscious mind as not compatible, it says no. The decision is made instantly. Research has shown that a visual message has 3 or 4 seconds, a written message is determined in just the headline (or within 1 minute), and a sales presentation is made or lost in the first 3 minutes; so beginning decisions are not made irrationally but emotionally.

After the emotional decision is made, the conscious mind begins seeking the rational information it needs to support its already detrimental emotional decision. The mind makes emotional decisions two ways; either by fear or by not perceiving the sensory impact that the unconscious mind craves. The power of the right messages, visuals, or sales presentations is to make the emotional sale long before the customer even realizes it!

So what are the two critical systems of strategy?

  1. Demographics – Who are they? What age are they? What do they do? Are they Boomers, Millennials, X’ers, Traditionalists, or even one of the Next Generations in the workforce?
  2. Psychographics – Why do specific demographics (your customers) buy? How do they make choices? Success lies in finding people’s perceived need because if they don’t perceive that they need it, they won’t buy it, even if they need it!

If Management doesn’t understand the complexity of what is needed to get it right, then discussions will be random opinions. At Holt Marketing and Management Services, we have developed tools to begin the challenging task of creating systems and training people to improve the results they are trying to achieve. The impact has been dramatic.

Asking questions of specific information and measured results opens up new and fresh ideas that work and replace very expensive guessing. Innovation, systems documentation and measurement become the driving force behind these efforts.

If successful Organizations such as Starbucks, Ford, Google, and many others take such work seriously, then how can Managers not do the same? Small business is even more at-risk than big businesses. The new world is changing fast and it is unforgiving.

We are in an age where hundreds of thousands of Organizations will accept the new challenges of the information era or be destroyed by it; an era where people are bombarded by so many products and messages that they have become overwhelmed in confusion and indecision. Our challenge is to learn our customers’ and our employees’ thinking and then let them know that we clearly understand by developing superior systems solutions that our people will hear.

Learn More on How to Increase Market Share

Before you move on to the next piece of industry news, make sure you have an answer that you can feel good about regarding the following questions:

  • Who are your target customers and what are they saying?
  • What do your employees think may be a better way of performing a task?
  • When do you feel is the best time to innovate new products or services?
  • Where do you see your business in 3-5 years?
  • Why do you feel safe in continuing with the same processes if they are not achieving the results you desire?

If you don’t have the answers to all of these questions, feel free to give us a call at no cost or obligation. We are happy to help you find your path to improved performance! If you have questions of your own, you can email us or call 989-791-2475. You can even leave your questions in the comment section below; we respond to all of our comments, as you are the most important reason for what we do here!

If you want to find out what your customers are saying, but don’t have the time…
we can take care of that for you!


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Published On: April 6th, 2016 /

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