In many parts of the country, we have been hit hard with high unemployment rates. This has resulted in a serious need to better communicate with both current and potential new customers.

How can we do this without increasing or blowing our budget right away?

It is important to know that there is a huge difference between a Web Designer and Internet Marketer. While a Designer plays an important role (your website should be visually pleasing and easy to navigate if you want them to come back), the Marketer can give you the insights you need to increase traffic flow and generate leads. Some important factors to consider in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) are as follows:

  1. Keyword optimization
  2. Blogging
  3. Higher Page Count
  4. Great Meta Descriptions
  5. Social Media Integration

A good example of the importance of online marketing to sustainable business growth is Ford Motor Company. Despite the economic downturn, Ford is the only American auto manufacturer who didn’t take a bailout. Why? Instead of the normal roll out at a traditional auto show, Ford introduced the 2011 Ford Explorer on Facebook and people paid attention. As a result, more big companies started to increase their online marketing and social media presence.

This huge move for Ford resulted in the promotion of Jim Farley, who is credited with taking Ford into this direction, to Group Vice President, Global Marketing Sales and Service, the first time Ford integrated these positions into one role.

If you really want to learn more about this shift in marketing, check out our other blog on the subject:

If you want to learn the best ways to launch a product, click here.

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Published On: July 11th, 2014 /

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