If dealing with change in your work force feels like a battle of wills then you need to step back and rethink the issue. When changing any part of the structure in the workplace such as procedures, processes, or responsibilities, getting the employees ‘on board’ can be handled in two ways- a dictate from management passed down to be followed by fear of punishment or a change to be implemented through the leadership of your process.
Battling wills is never the route to go through as you are likely always to have at least one employee who recognizes that the change is just that, a battle of wills, and they don’t feel like changing. To get this employee on board and to give them a structured opportunity to agree with the new approach before negative actions have to occur, takes leadership.
Leadership is knowing how to get the most from your people thru processes that you communicate with them, in a positive fashion, that makes them feel empowered to take on a new procedure or added responsibility. Leadership is an extension of the vision management has for the organization- the guiding ideal. That each manager or supervisor knows this vision and uses positive leadership to get each employee to feel a positive connection to the company and WANT to contribute to the organization’s success.
Its positive psychology, it’s not letting the negative attitudes of an employee turn your leadership approach negative. It’s the approach you take or coaching (which will be discussed later) that conveys that positive attitude. It’s taking charge, taking control of the problem and directing the energies of everyone involved towards the desired outcome.
if the employee still has reservations then its okay for them to know you understand but that you need them onboard for the organization and the success of everyone else- for the team. If the employee still won’t comply or if you have an employee who is still openly negative and hostile about the change being implemented and they have worked with management through the many stages of coaching to try and understand the importance of you are trying to lead them to then it is okay to take corrective action but again good leadership says that you do this one on one and discretely. Be it a write up, warning, or time off for the blatant act of repeatedly disregarding direction from management. Good positive leadership with feedback and learning for the employee also covers you and your organization from risk of harassment or willfully trying to get rid of an employee. It shows that steps were taken to confront a behavior and that positive actions were attempted to get compliance. The lack of compliance from the employee is the paper trail to cover your right to punish and discharge them if needed.
Don’t let them or the paper work needed to make your workplace operate effectively stop you. Have questions or want assistance- give Holt Marketing & Management Services a call at 800-698-2449 x15 or contact us via the web.