First Page…or Forget it!

The objective of a marketer is to make sure products and services get the exposure to prospects and customers. If your business is not in the first 10 results of the first page of Google search results, you are doomed.

Think about your own searches, how often do you scroll past the first 10 results?  I bet it is not very often.

Google Dominates – FREE is Key

Because Google is easy to use, fast and free, it has been beating out all the other forms of traditional marketing like advertising in directories, trade shows, cold calls by sales people, T.V., radio and billboards. None of them even come close to Google.

2 Best Ways to Top Google Search

There are two methods to insure your business gets found on Google’s first page:

Blogging Content

Create interesting, remarkable, educational content that is not a sales pitch via the blogging platform. Google loves blogs because it sees blogging content as the latest, most relevant news.

Social Media Participation

Utilizing your presence within Social Media helps to propel your content further by employing networks that you already have.  It is never too late to start building a following. But, in order to capture a following, you must participate.

Don’t forget to Google-ize your Website

Re-Design and Optimize your Existing Website

One of the most important tasks of marketing using Google is to re-design your website so it contains compelling content. Adding a blog or multiple blogs allows you to respond to current trends and invites your customers to hear what you have to say. Blogs are ideal because you can update them easily on a regular basis.

Listen In

Start spending more effort on Google Industry blogs and social media sites. Listen to what others are saying.  Be sure your website reflects the most current trends and customer demands.

Determine Starting Metrics and Monitor your Success

You will never have a successful online presence without measuring your success.  Three steps to monitor your success are:

  1. Determine where you are now

  2. Track your Progress

  3. Throw away what isn’t working and keep trying

What Metrics to Measure?

How many RSS feed subscribers do you have?

How many get current content from you via email subscription?

What is your social reach?

How many external links are coming to your site? Are they good links or bad ones?

What keywords are producing traffic on Google?

Blasting to the top of the Search results on Google takes time, dedication and experimentation.  By tracking your results, you can quickly readjust, test and implement new strategies.

Don’t Cheat. No Content Farms Allowed

Don’t forget, Google is smart.  Many content farms found that out and got penalized for it.  Google realizes there are those out there trying to fool the system. The best way to stay away from content farming is to create unique and valuable information for your customers.

Still Trying to Figure out Your Content?

One method for creating a winning strategy is to define your market more narrowly before your competitors do. Think about what your customers are typing into Google. Use those terms, see what works and keep testing.

Still Not Sure How to Blast Your Website to the Top?

If you need further help re-defining your unique position or how to narrow your strategy, give us a call or send us your E-mail for a FREE consultation.

(Photo Credit: Wikipedia)
Published On: February 3rd, 2014 /

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