In the market over the next five years, small companies will have to create strategic alliances to grow because the Pace of Change will not allow them, by themselves, to accumulate all the skills and resources required to leverage opportunities before their competitors do. I’m talking about two or more organizations collaborating for mutual economic gain.

The problem smaller organizations have is that they have a smaller capital base, say $50,000 to $5,000,000 vs. a large organization that has a capital base of hundreds of millions or billions of dollars.  So, how does a strategic collaboration help solve this problem?

Collaboration allows a smaller business to seize an opportunity without spreading too much of its capital base and overhead. Strategic alliances allow more new opportunities without the risk of going it alone. Alliances increases knowledge and capacity without the risk of over stepping and without the pain of laying people off when the market changes, as it always does.

For example, our company, Holt Marketing and Management Services, has used strategic alliances to survive 26 years and become the top marketing and management firm in our market. Although we have developed sales in the millions of dollars, we only have eight permanent employees and one small office.  Holt Marketing sits at the center of a huge network of alliances including consulting arrangements, service contracts with other marketing firms, web developers, social media experts, and video production experts to subcontractors, manufacturers, retailers, construction contractors, medical service providers, and government agencies. Businesses will simply have to collaborate to succeed in the future market place.

What Holt Marketing Services will do for you

Holt Marketing and Management’s mission is to teach growing organizations how to use strategic alliances to survive and grow in the future. Our process provides a step by step method for using alliances to:

  • Increase sales and profits
  • Enter into new markets, services, and industries
  • Innovate and improve quality and speed
  • Leverage money and find money

Looking to leverage the advantages of a strategic alliance or want to learn more about how the process works? Contact Holt Marketing & Management Services to learn more TODAY!

leveraging partnerships-learn more!
Published On: November 26th, 2012 /

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