Do you have a need to expand your workforce?

Do you stuggle to find and keep top talent for your important positions?

Do you have a recurring need to hire large volumes of employees?

Do you need to enhance, replace or institute a consistent recruitment process?

Great employees can make a big difference. Good, committed people that can deliver goals and build capacity are essential to a business. There are a lot of good people looking for good jobs, or wishing they had better jobs. But good or not, how do you if know they are right for your company? The best practice is to follow the key components of the hiring process. Whether you are looking for white collar, blue collar, or no collar; the key components of the hiring process is the same:

• Candidate Sourcing

• Application and Resume Processing

• Applicant Tracking Management

• Behavioral Selection and Assessment

• Role Play Assessments

• Test Administration

• Leadership Development

While knowing the key components is important, it is best not to overlook the processes that are involved and should be completed for the best outcome. Skipping key components will only lead to missing red flags and putting you back into recruiting mode in no time at all. Important steps to consider:

  1. High touch rate – A combination of traditional recruiting, social media recruiting, researching and sourcing are crucial to receiving quality applicants, as are the techniques and processes involved in these methods.
  2. Time – You need to consider the time it takes in creating or refining the initial job profile, developing or editing your job description, choosing screening questions and finalizing your recruiting plan. After that, comes scheduling interviews, hiring, declining or scheduling additional interviews.
  3. Cost – What does it cost you per month to support multiple postings, recruiters, agencies, and your own time? If you aren’t utilizing recent technology, you aren’t being efficient.
  4. Source mining – You should be using any available sources to find the right person. No games, no self interest, no preferential treatment. Referrals, posting leads, professional organizations, should all be considered when trying to fill your job.
  5. Respect for candidates – Job seekers are customers and references as well. If you are not making sure they receive follow up, regardless of the outcome, you are leaving a bad taste in their mouth about your company…one that is likely to be passed on to their networks.

At Holt Marketing and Management, we are committed to delivering recruiting services that reduce costs while increasing speed and efficiency.

Holt Marketing and Management Services has developed a proven process that will attract, test, interview and deliver people that will get the job done. Our centralized, hybrid outsourcing solution is designed to help you meet your organization’s recruitment needs, whatever they may be.

From one to one hundred, we can help you fill positions from Carpenters, Estimators, and Computer Techs to CEOs. We can also help you customize compensation studies and design pay for performance programs.

Personalized Recruiting available here!

We want to hear from you! What are the biggest problems you have faced when looking for quality staff? Please let us know in the comment section below.

If you have questions for us, you can contact us by clicking here,
or call 989-791-2475 ext. 13 and ask for Gary.

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Published On: September 26th, 2014 /

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