Recruiting can be a difficult and often frustrating task. It is vital to your Organization to have skilled, easily trained employees that can communicate effectively to help you increase your gross margins. The problem most face in achieving this, is the human aspect that can often be deceiving. People can be hard to read. They can be great at interviews and great at talking the talk but when it comes down to it, your main concern should be if they can walk the walk. 

To be the most successful business you can be, you need innovative people and effective processes to increase profits. What many don’t know is that recruiting itself needs an effective process to produce the desired results. 

The importance of having a Recruiting System
There are 6 tactics that you need to have in place, working together as a system, in order to find and recruit quality employees. Without an effective strategy, tactics alone are not as effective. With the right strategy, the possibilities are endless.

These 6 tactics are as follows:

1. Develop an appropriate advertising campaign and select the best combination of media channels such as: using the internet (Monster and/or Career Builder, etc.), social media (LinkedIn and/or Facebook, etc.), and/or mainstream media (newspapers and/or trade magazines, etc.).

In order to begin your ad campaign, you must have an effective ad to promote your Organization. Below you will find the information that will help you create an appealing ad to draw the best quality candidates.

Guide to writing an ad:


Who: _______________________________ (name or information regarding your company)

What: _________________________________  (position information)

When: _______________________________ (hiring info, application deadline, etc.)

Why:  _______________(growing/expanding, something that sparks interest in applying, etc.)

How: __________________________ (submit resume, cover letter by mail, email, fax attn: to)

2. Receive resumes and review for possible candidates.

Set a time frame to look through the candidates; sort out those with the most pertinent qualifications and pay attention to intriguing details that set them apart from the crowd.

3. Telephone interview/pre-qualify all candidates.

Pre-qualification is a necessity. If you can’t establish a good rapport and get quality answers from them on the phone, they will likely be a waste of your time.


4. Provide a detailed report on all interview candidates.

Prepare a report to compare the pre-qualified candidates to determine which stand out and for what reasons. The added bonus to this is that you can use it during the interview process to ask questions regarding skills another candidate possessed, refer back to it if you don’t find a qualified individual from your first picks, and use it as a basis for selecting additional candidates in the future.

Here is an example of a quality recruiting summary report:

5. Test qualified candidates with DISC Profile, Sales Strategy Index and PIAV (Personal Interests, Attitudes, and Value).

Here is where employers gain the most insight to the candidates they are considering. Many employers skip this step and select a candidate based on their “gut” feeling during the interview. This is where they are often deceived by smooth talkers, expert interviewees, and a well put-together resume. By testing the candidates, you can find out which people are the best fit for the position based on their personality traits. These tests are proven to increase employee retention by 50%.

6. Schedule interviews for the top candidates.

Once you know that you have a qualified candidate who has passed the testing process with flying colors; you can schedule interviews with the top picks to see who you have the best rapport with and who would best “fit” within your Organization. Schedule the interviews to fit within your calendar effectively and be sure to refer to your Recruiting Summary Report, adding any additional notes from the interview process.

When used in combination, these 6 tactics will bring you the skilled individuals you need to get your Organization in place to lead your industry.

For a free discussion on developing an effective recruiting strategy, if you have any questions regarding the tactics, or would like help testing your recruits; please email us here or call Gary at 989-791-2475 Ext. 13. As always, we welcome your comments in the section below!

Please share with others via social media who might benefit from better recruiting. You can find us here:

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Published On: January 15th, 2015 /

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