Continuing with our theme of social media, we delve into the merits of Facebook

Do you feel like it isn’t worth your time to market yourself on Facebook? Have you tried selling products or services and had little to no responses, shares or likes? Don’t give up just yet. You’re probably looking at it from the wrong perspective, which could end up seriously costing you in the long run. Facebook has evolved how people do business.

A good example is Best Buy. They show a ROI of over $5 million annually (and from the way our market trend is moving, I anticipate that number only to increase) from utilizing Facebook.

If you want to know more, check out the blog we wrote about the 7 tips to build brand visibility on Facebook:

Marketing Strategy Facebook: 7 Tips to Build Brand Visibility

The blog also discusses 5 ways to track your progress.

If you have just 30 minutes, contact me at no cost or obligation and I will give you a brief analysis of how your business can improve.

If you have just 30 minutes, contact me at no cost or obligation and I will give you a brief analysis of how your business can improve using Facebook.

I have 4 slots available in the next week, so contact me and we can arrange a time that works for both you and I to chat.


Published On: June 24th, 2014 /

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