In the next 3-5 years, businesses of every kind face the possibility of being replaced by new technology and changing economics. The major cause of business failure and unemployment is not just competition but from technology that replaces both businesses and people.

Technology is moving more rapidly today than ever in history, changing the way we can make a profit. In recent history, robots have replaced thousands of people and businesses. New technology is attempting to replace more people and more businesses as well. E-Commerce is the cause of thousands of brick and mortar retailers closing stores and shopping centers, Uber is replacing Taxi businesses, drones are replacing product delivery services, robotic kiosks are replacing fast food businesses, virtual physicians are replacing doctors, hearing aids just approved by the Government are selling at Walmart and online for a few hundred dollars versus $5,000 for a traditional hearing aid, Turbo Tax took market share from accounting firms, and industry specific software is replacing jobs in every business.

But for those few that have accepted the possibility of being replaced, we have good news. The focus of business owners and leaders is changing to the valuation of the business, not just the financial statement. The solution to the dilemma is valuation. Why valuation? Because valuation is based primarily on future cash flow so owners and key managers are placing more time on identifying early threats to their future through the 8 drivers that impact future cash flow, which include:

  • Financial Performance
  • Growth Potential
  • The Switzerland Structure
  • The Valuation Teeter-Totter
  • The Hierarchy of Recurring Revenue
  • The Monopoly Control
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Hub & Spoke

By taking a simple 13 minute test, any business would know through an online analysis of their business’s performance how these 8 attributes, which have proven to be important,

are affecting their future cash flow. The information you are provided aims to guide you in increasing the value of your business by focusing on systems innovation to improve those drivers that score the lowest. These indicators are also critically important in knowing when to sell at the highest valuation possible.

Published On: June 2nd, 2017 /

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