What Are The Top 8 Questions Asked When Selling A Business?

So you want to sell your business, huh? There are a lot of things you need to consider before you even make a move. Here is a list of some of the most common questions you will be asked when selling your business.

Are You Ready To Sell? Not Sure?

There are a lot of decisions to make when you are considering selling your business.  Even if you think you are ready, you may not be ready.  How about a simple way to gauge if you are ready to sell?

Meet PREScore™.  PREScore™ helps identify the at-risk areas and provides personalized recommendations for improvement, helping owners create a personal plan that ensures a happy and lucrative exit.

Using an exclusive algorithm – developed by analyzing more than 40,000 business owners and conducting more than 200 in-depth interviews with owners who have recently sold – PREScore™ calculates an owner’s readiness by identifying their status on each of the 4 drivers of a satisfying exit.

The 12 questions that makeup PREScore™ are often overlooked by business owners, leaving them unprepared and in a state of crisis after the decision to exit is made.

Click Here To Get Your PREScore

Ready To Sell, But Not Sure Of How Much Your Business Is Worth?

One of the simplest ways to get an idea of what your business is worth is by taking 15 minutes and utilizing the The Value Builder System™ to get your Value Builder Score.  The Value Builder System™ is a scientific methodology proven to increase the value of your business. After analyzing over 55,000 businesses, the average Value Builder Score is 59 out of a possible 100.

If we look at the acquisition offers these businesses have received, the average offer is 3.5 times pre-tax profit. The Value Builder users who have improved their score to 90 or greater – by following the system – are receiving offers of 7.1 times pretax profit on average.

What’s Your Business Worth? Click To Find Out!

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Published On: March 3rd, 2021 /

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