How to Sell People What They Want to Increase Market Share
If an idea is perceived by a person’s sensory input as compatible with its expectations, the unconscious mind says yes. If the idea is perceived by the unconscious mind as not compatible, it says no. The decision is made instantly. Research has shown that a visual message has 3 or ...
Customer Service Issues: How to Resolve Complaints in Four Steps
You may have heard of the saying “Good news travels fast. Bad news travels faster.” This can become apparent in word-of-mouth comments regarding your Customer Service. However, now that information is being spread and monitored in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules. By scanning people’s brains and tracking their ...
Customer Service: How to Create Customers for Life!
This is a guest blog post written by Andrea Hewett, Social Media Business Director for Holt Marketing and Management Services, Inc. …
Break on through to the Other Side of Productivity
Break-through Improvement …
What Is Process Mapping & Why It’s Important For Your Business
In today’s economic climate a business cannot simply sell its way out of a profit problem. The economy has caused demand to decline and competition is responding by cutting prices in an effort to increase their sales. Unfortunately, excessive price cutting can be disastrous to everyone’s profits. …
Leadership for Change
If dealing with change in your work force feels like a battle of wills then you need to step back and rethink the issue. When changing any part of the structure in the workplace such as procedures, processes, or responsibilities, getting the employees ‘on board’ can be handled in two ...