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Your Personal Objective: Why What YOU Want Matters!

By |February 2nd, 2022|

Strategic objective vs Personal objective In order for a business to survive long-term, it must routinely determine what it wants, how they are going to get there. This is no easy task as it takes a great deal of thought and time. …

Strategic Partnering: Alliance or Partnership?

By |November 11th, 2021|

Two or more businesses may come together for various reasons and form strategic alliances to benefit each party involved. Sometimes these collaborations are short-term, but other times they may last several years. …

How To Approach A Business Merger or Acquisition

By |November 10th, 2021|

Mergers and acquisitions are two different things. Mergers happen when one company acquires another company, whereas an acquisition happens when a company buys the whole company outright. …

Business Valuation Methods-How To Find Out What Your Business Is Worth

By |October 24th, 2021|

“I have no complex about wealth. I have worked hard for my money producing things which people need. I believe that the able industrial leader who creates wealth and employment is more worthy of historical notice than politicians or soldiers.” – J. Paul Getty, American billionaire.  …

What Is Business Process Mapping?

By |September 10th, 2021|

What is business process mapping? Business Process Mapping (BPM) is the act of documenting the procedures and steps that are used to complete a task or transaction. These procedures may be manual, automated, or both. …

Step 1 to Unlimited Profit: Determine What You Want From Your Business

By |April 3rd, 2021|

What Do You Want From Your Business….Has Anyone Ever Asked YOU?  As a business owner, you should want and expect your business to be a high-functioning operation that generates growing revenue and profit. If you don’t want that, then put this book down. Do you want any of the following? ...

How To Make Unlimited Profit In Your Business: Article 1 of 11

By |March 24th, 2021|

Unlimited Profit Is Determined By An Organizations Ability To Acquire Knowledge That Can Be Measured Business Failure: A Scary Possibility As a business owner, you know the statistics. Only 4% of all businesses survive long term. That’s a hard fact to swallow. Yet most business owners are in denial about ...

How To Make Your Business More Profitable With Labor Efficiency

By |March 9th, 2021|

Labor Efficiency Drives Higher Profit Did you know that the number one driver of profit is labor efficiency? Labor efficiency, also referred to as L.E.R., or your Labor Efficiency Ratio, is a measure of productivity output of each dollar spent on labor. …

How To Survive Long-Term Business Ownership And Increase Valuation

By |March 1st, 2021|

Can Your Business Survive For 10 Years Or More? Business survival timelines are calculated from valuation scores that are based on 10 year increments of expected rates of return. There are no absolute business survival timelines, as there are no guarantees that a buyer will pay the exact amount of ...

What is a Good Profit Margin and Why is it Important?

By |February 28th, 2021|

What is a Good Profit Margin and Why is it Important? In today’s economic climate a business cannot simply sell its way out of a profit problem. The economy has caused demand to decline and competition is responding by cutting prices in an effort to increase their sales. Unfortunately, excessive price ...

Owning A Profitable Business Is The Best Method For Achieving Wealth

By |February 27th, 2021|

The Perpetual Money Machine, How To Turn-Key Your Business For Perpetual Profits Owning A Business Is The Best Method To Achieve Wealth The idea of this book was inspired by my passion for business and the challenge of accumulating enough wealth to provide for my family and ensure myself a ...

Management Definition Of Oversight, How To Find The Real Value

By |February 27th, 2021|

There Is No Management If There Is No Oversight Once projects or work is assigned or delegated, it is the responsibility of that position’s manager to make sure the tasks within the project are completed. The best way is the proactive approach. Proactive means that the oversight manager has access ...

[Book] Unlimited Profit: 10 Steps To Unlimited Profit In Your Business

By |February 26th, 2021|

How To Find Unlimited Profit In Your Business, By Gary Holt No Profit = Failure Research shows that most companies are not as profitable as they need to be.  Without sufficient profit, a business will fail.  Without profit, there are no bonuses, no raises, no investment money for growth, and ...

Does Your Bank Account Have You Wondering What Is A Profit Margin?

By |February 25th, 2021|

How Do You Define Success Not too many businesses succeed without looking at how their operations perform.  This may be as simple as looking at the books at the end of the month to see whether there is any money left or not. That won’t get you too far along ...

If I Make More Profit, What Is My Business Worth…Got 15 minutes?

By |February 25th, 2021|

How Much Is Your Business Worth If You Sold It Today? This is a question that most business owners think about at one time or another.  I recently brought a new tool into my organization that can tell you how much your business is worth with an investment of 15 ...

Business Valuation:How A Wealth Mindset Leads To Unlimited Opportunity

By |February 25th, 2021|

Business Valuation Creates Wealth?  How do you become wealthy? If you already are wealthy, how do you keep that wealth? There is a limiting belief in which people feel they are doing as well as they can – that belief is the flaw that keeps people from achieving all that ...

7 Things To Do Before Signing The Letter Of Intent Infographic

By |February 16th, 2021|

All too often I here from business owners who regret selling their business.  Selling a business should be the celebration of building something great, then getting rewarded for it.  However, in my experience, that is more rare than common unfortunately. …

You Are the Investor

By |May 25th, 2018|

Let me begin by saying congratulations on being a successful business owner. The “You are the Investor,” business development opportunity is only available to the business owner who is a select, small percent of the population. …

How to Protect Your Business from Loss of Leadership

By |June 16th, 2017|

Note from author: What would happen to your business if its owner or a key employee was unable to run it for months, or worse; ever again? Read this true story of how one company survived the sudden death of an owner… …

[Video] How to be a Systematic Entrepreneurial Manager

By |June 9th, 2017|

I accurately predicted in my book “The Perpetual Money Machine”, published in 2007, that any business or non-profit Organization that invested their money back into their Enterprises with the point-of-view of a systematic Entrepreneur would sustain profitable growth and increase their valuation. …

[Video] How to Manage the Threat of New Technology to your Business

By |June 2nd, 2017|

In the next 3-5 years, businesses of every kind face the possibility of being replaced by new technology and changing economics. The major cause of business failure and unemployment is not just competition but from technology that replaces both businesses and people. …

Work Until You’re 80? Business Owner or Not, You Might Have To…

By |June 17th, 2016|

It’s not financially possible to retire at 65! Longevity experts are reporting more and more people are living to 100 years of age. If a person retires even at age 62, that would mean you would need a reliable income without working for 38 years. If you max out social ...

Inbound Marketing Strategy: Improve Brand Awareness 50% in 90 days

By |March 11th, 2015|

Increase Traffic….Build Brand Awareness….and they will come… The best way to increase brand awareness is by increasing traffic to your website. Most websites are just fancy digital brochures that never produce leads. In today’s online world, internet presence is paramount to marketing successfully. Building traffic to your website will build ...

What Is Process Mapping & Why It’s Important For Your Business

By |August 20th, 2014|

In today’s economic climate a business cannot simply sell its way out of a profit problem. The economy has caused demand to decline and competition is responding by cutting prices in an effort to increase their sales.  Unfortunately, excessive price cutting can be disastrous to everyone’s profits. …

Does a Marketing Strategy Require Social Media?

By |February 11th, 2014|

More businesses don’t use social media than do. Most businesses still use conventional marketing the same way that it’s been done for the last 50 years. Most businesses still think that to succeed in marketing you just have to get your name out there. …

Marketing Using Google: How to BLAST to the Top Of Google Search!

By |February 3rd, 2014|

First Page…or Forget it! The objective of a marketer is to make sure products and services get the exposure to prospects and customers. If your business is not in the first 10 results of the first page of Google search results, you are doomed. …

Who Wants to Innovate like Apple?

By |December 27th, 2013|

*Editors note: This blog is from almost three years ago and yet, the company is still going strong as they get ready to unveil possibly the most largely anticipated product yet. Take a look at what we wrote in December of 2013 and how it still rings true today… ...

How to Keep Your Inbound Marketing Pipeline Full

By |November 28th, 2012|

Generating leads is a top priority. New qualified leads are required to increase sales of new business. How do you find the time to prospect? If you’re not filling your pipeline, you will be unable to sustain business over the long term. …

How can business information give you a competitive advantage?

By |November 28th, 2012|

Business Systems Information is defined here as anything that can be digitized. Web pages, videos and articles are all examples of information used by people and businesses to add the value of information to their services and products. …

Are Your Mapped Processes Measurable?

By |November 27th, 2012|

We have discussed the need and importance of having your processes mapped out, to help your business run better because your best asset, you and your key employee’s knowledge, is documented and there for others to use and follow. So, what’s next? …

Coaching- Putting the Power into Leadership

By |November 27th, 2012|

The last series of articles has talked about Change Management and how important it is to have employees on board with your businesses plan. Unfortunately, that can sometimes not be the case and how you implement your change management through the use of your leadership team’s abilities and the vision ...

Documenting Workflows and Procedures = Time Off

By |November 27th, 2012|

In the previous chapters we have discussed what documenting workflows and processes are about and why they are used by various sizes and types of companies. We discussed one of the best positive reasons for documenting workflows- growth and profitability and we also looked at reasons to have documented workflow processes ...

Workflows and Processes- Holt’s Experience

By |November 27th, 2012|

Do I have your ear now for the importance of having workflows documented and formally available as training and coaching tools for employees? There are just so many reasons to have this work done but the next question is how do you get that work completed? …

Risk Aversion- Preventing Loss by Having Workflows Documented

By |November 27th, 2012|

Another benefit of having your workflows documented and committed to being followed is more than just profitability it’s peace of mind. Knowing that the day when a client or government agency comes in to audit you for safety or quality you can produce examples of employees following your documented processes ...

The Personal Side of Change Influence

By |November 26th, 2012|

One often finds that even after successfully implementing process maps and workflows that there are still obstacles in the way of their operations. Since the work already done was a systematic analysis of how the process should be done, it may not mirror how people who operate the process think ...

Vision- The Unifying Factor for Change Management

By |November 26th, 2012|

In change management, a company’s management uses leadership to implement the change to processes, policies, etc with the desired result of acceptance and compliance by the employees. We know that this can be a challenge but a company that takes the time to create a story to tell where they plan on being ...

Small Business Strategic Alliances

By |November 26th, 2012|

In the market over the next five years, small companies will have to create strategic alliances to grow because the Pace of Change will not allow them, by themselves, to accumulate all the skills and resources required to leverage opportunities before their competitors do. I’m talking about two or more ...

How Measuring Systems is the Key to Success

By |November 26th, 2012|

The measuring of anything is not what most people want to do. When issues seem urgent the last thing our instincts tell us is to stop to measure, but our instincts could be wrong. …

Leadership for Change

By |November 26th, 2012|

If dealing with change in your work force feels like a battle of wills then you need to step back and rethink the issue.  When changing any part of the structure in the workplace such as procedures, processes, or responsibilities, getting the employees ‘on board’ can be handled in two ...

The Productivity Mandate

By |November 26th, 2012|

Why all organizations need to develop strategies that increase productivity faster than before? …

7 POWERFUL Ratios To Start Tracking Now To Increase Profits in 202

By |January 1st, 1970|

SEVEN POWERFUL RATIOS TO START TRACKING NOW  Doctors in the developing world measure their progress not by the aggregate number of children who die in childbirth but by the infant mortality rate, a ratio of the number of births to deaths.  Similarly, baseball’s leadoff batters measure their “on-base percentage” – ...