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Work Until You’re 80? Business Owner or Not, You Might Have To…

By |June 17th, 2016|

It’s not financially possible to retire at 65! Longevity experts are reporting more and more people are living to 100 years of age. If a person retires even at age 62, that would mean you would need a reliable income without working for 38 years. If you max out social ...

How to Sell People What They Want to Increase Market Share

By |April 6th, 2016|

If an idea is perceived by a person’s sensory input as compatible with its expectations, the unconscious mind says yes. If the idea is perceived by the unconscious mind as not compatible, it says no. The decision is made instantly. Research has shown that a visual message has 3 or ...

The Productivity Mandate

By |November 26th, 2012|

Why all organizations need to develop strategies that increase productivity faster than before? …