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50% Dental Practice Partnership For Sale Saginaw Michigan

By |March 11th, 2022|

One of our clients has a thriving dental practice partnership for sale. This is a fantastic opportunity for a Dentist that wants to own and operate their own dental practice. Dr. Robert Cady, who has been practicing dentistry in Saginaw Michigan for over 45 years, is looking for someone ...

25 of the Latest Pro Blog Posts to Master Social Media for Business

By |February 4th, 2022|

This is a guest blog post written by Andrea Hewett, Social Media Business Director  for Holt Marketing and Management Services, Inc. Recently, I wrote a post featuring 19 AMAZING social media authorities who were kind enough to share their processes with us on how to build connections, nurture those connections, ...

How to Conduct a Productive Strategic Planning Meeting

By |December 16th, 2021|

Do you have your strategy for 2022?     A strategic planning meeting is one of the most critical meetings a company can have. It’s where you identify your goals, project them into the future and then develop an action plan to meet those goals. If you haven’t started your plan ...

Strategic Marketing Consultants: 11 Reasons Why You Should Hire One

By |October 3rd, 2021|

Why should you hire a strategic marketing consultant? There are several reasons to hire an experienced marketing consultant, which vary depending on the company type, business owner goals, business type, just to name a few. The most common reason for hiring a consultants is for their experience and marketing expertise. ...

What Is Process Mapping & Why It’s Important For Your Business

By |October 2nd, 2021|

What is the purpose of a business process? Processes are everywhere.  From large corporations to the military all rely on processes to get things done consistently. All successful craftspeople, professionals, managers, and sales people use a process—often without realizing it. …

What the heck is Gross Margin and how can I use it? 

By |September 30th, 2021|

Every day we meet with many business owners who have no idea how the company is doing financially.  Many owners don’t know what their profitability is, and the only number they see on financial reports are total revenue dollars.  Only focusing on revenue can lead you to go out of ...

What is a business Strategy Consultant?

By |September 28th, 2021|

Strategy consultants are the architects of tomorrow’s businesses. They convert CEOs’ aspirations into winning strategies with tough analysis and practical tools that can be used by any company, no matter their size or industry. Strategy consulting has been around since ancient Greece when Aristotle created his “Art of Ruling an ...

How to Become a Stress-Free Business Owner

By |June 23rd, 2017|

You work hard on your business, and it shows. You have most of your operations running smoothly with few errors or customer complaints to slow you down. But what if the biggest error your business faces, the one that could end it for good, is caused by you? …

Ray Kroc – The Greatest Small Business Person of All Time.

By |May 11th, 2017|

Why is Ray Kroc the greatest small business person of all time? Because Ray Kroc, a door-to-door salesman, with no business experience and no money, saw an opportunity in a unique small business called “McDonalds”, and in less than 20 years grew it to over 30,000 locations, making himself and ...

Make Your Business Run on Automatic Pilot

By |April 27th, 2017|

The business format prototype is without question the most important single factor in profitable growth. Over the course of one year, business format franchises have reported a success rate of 95%, in contrast to the 50% failure rate of independently owned businesses. …

Emotional Quotient vs Intelligence Quotient and How it Affects Jobs

By |June 24th, 2016|

Most people are familiar with Intelligence Quotient, or IQ. It is what many base a person’s abilities on, both educationally and work-related. It is also the fodder for numerous jokes and is often viewed as being responsible for the self-esteem of the masses. However, this is determined by your emotional ...

How to Sell People What They Want to Increase Market Share

By |April 6th, 2016|

If an idea is perceived by a person’s sensory input as compatible with its expectations, the unconscious mind says yes. If the idea is perceived by the unconscious mind as not compatible, it says no. The decision is made instantly. Research has shown that a visual message has 3 or ...

Attack of the Killer Blog Comments: How to Recognize and Avoid Spam

By |April 6th, 2016|

 This is a guest blog post written by Andrea Hewett, Social Media Business Director  for Holt Marketing and Management Services, Inc. Lately, we have been enjoying certain successes with our blog posts and we couldn’t be more pleased. However, with success comes certain pain points, such as spammers targeting your ...

Customer Service Issues: How to Resolve Complaints in Four Steps

By |April 6th, 2016|

You may have heard of the saying “Good news travels fast. Bad news travels faster.” This can become apparent in word-of-mouth comments regarding your Customer Service. However, now that information is being spread and monitored in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules. By scanning people’s brains and tracking their ...

Think, and Grow Richer: Smart Strategies to Increase Sales

By |April 6th, 2016|

What Cognitive Therapy Says About Human Behavior Cognitive Therapy (CT) states that our behavior is determined by how we think about things. Perhaps even more important, CT states that our emotions are often driven by our perceptions. As sales professionals, our goal isn’t necessarily to get the prospect to express ...

7 Employee Engagement Ideas: Why My Job is Terrifying and I Love It!

By |July 31st, 2015|

This is a guest blog post written by Andrea Hewett, Social Media Business Director for Holt Marketing and Management Services, Inc. My job frightens me. No, I’m not a Lion Tamer. I don’t walk the high-wire or fly on a trapeze. I don’t swim with the sharks (literally or figuratively). ...

What Your Police Sergeant Needs for a Successful Risk Management Plan

By |July 24th, 2015|

A Police Sergeant has many responsibilities. Not only must they take direction from their superiors; but they must also plan, review, supervise, direct, assign, and participate in the work of law enforcement staff involved in field and traffic patrol, crime prevention, investigations, community relations, and related services and activities. Overall, ...

What Your Construction Project Manager Needs for Goal Alignment

By |June 26th, 2015|

As a Project Manager, you carry the weight of the Company on your shoulders. You are responsible for creating clear, attainable objectives and building the requirements for each project. Once you have set these goals, it is your job to manage your staff through the constraints that you have set ...

6 Steps to Increase Your Sales through the Consultative Sales Process

By |June 12th, 2015|

It’s not what you sell, it’s how you sell The #1 way to increase price and therefore profit is to sell on differentiation. Differentiation is accomplished by offering the customers valuable unique perspectives over and above the commodity. Using insight to reduce risks, reducing expenses, or increasing their sales if ...

How to Determine Business Needs to Get What You Want

By |June 5th, 2015|

The quality of a person’s life begins with a want. A want is simply an idea, not a reality in a physical form. Let’s examine this idea closer. Brandon decides that he wants a life better than his parents had. The want communicates to the mind and, based on beliefs, ...

3 Questions the Best Managers Ask: Defining Management Leadership

By |May 29th, 2015|

A lack of management leadership results in the organization becoming defined by the employee’s beliefs and standards, rather than by management’s. Most organizations don’t realize that without management leadership the business will eventually fail. If left to make their own choices and decisions, employees will resort to their personal life ...

Why You Shouldn’t Work Holidays: Improving Productivity

By |May 22nd, 2015|

This is a guest blog post written by Andrea Hewett, Social Media Business Director for Holt Marketing and Management Services, Inc. If you haven’t already seen or heard the multitude of blog posts, articles, podcasts, etc. that exist solely to stress the importance of productivity in the workplace and how ...

Exit Strategy Series Wrap Up: Gain Your Business Independence

By |May 18th, 2015|

Strive for Business Independence Whether retirement is just around the corner or on the horizon, you have dreams for how it will be spent. Maybe you want to gradually reduce hours in the office or work full time right up to retirement age and then have little to do with ...

6 Business Valuation Determining Factors: Jumping into the Shark Tank

By |May 11th, 2015|

Manage, Market, and Measure Business Valuation If you are a business professional, chances are that you’ve heard of Shark Tank. The rags-to-riches investors tell it like it is, pulling no punches, but also make dreams come true. There are 6 things that the Shark Tank Investors look for before they ...

Exit Strategy Series: The New Turnkey is the Learning Organization

By |April 24th, 2015|

For a long time the wide-held belief has been that if you create a turn-key Organization, you have succeeded and are finished with systems development. However, because of rapidly developing technology and the high speed of marketplace change, the concept must be expanded even further. …

Exit Strategy Series: Creating a Profitable Turnkey Business

By |March 24th, 2015|

Increase Business Valuation and Decrease Business Dependence The Holt method of creating a safe income without working (if you so choose) is based on the principle of developing a turnkey business. The turnkey solutions used in this method create enough profits to pay the owner through net profit rather than ...

Focus on Vision Statement: How to Motivate Employees in the Workplace

By |March 20th, 2015|

You CAN create a more fulfilling and purposeful workplace! The purpose and primary aim of an Organization should be to help people improve their life in some way. It’s a proven fact that Organizations and Businesses in any industry achieve their financial goals if their customers and their employees feel ...

How to Expand Your Market Share through Lead Generation

By |February 17th, 2015|

Lead Generation is the only method that works to achieve the #1 spot in market share for every industry. Lead Generation is a non-stop process. A company that stops lead generation will die a slow death. Once you know you have the right product, the right target markets, the right ...

7 Methods to Jumpstart Your Business Plan in a Stagnated Economy

By |February 5th, 2015|

Growth Opportunities and Leadership Development Market Research has shown that people are concerned about business growth in a slow economy. While economy can play a part in hindering sales, a good business plan includes methods of diversification that make this concern a non-issue. I wrote about this in ...

Updates to Facebook that will boost Your Brand Awareness Strategy!

By |February 3rd, 2015|

Facebook has had a lot of buzz lately with changes they are making that will supposedly make it nearly impossible to promote your business, especially without paying. They want to keep the site more social than business so that people won’t get tired of all of the sales pitches and ...

The 6 Tactics You Need for Effective Recruiting Strategies

By |January 15th, 2015|

Recruiting can be a difficult and often frustrating task. It is vital to your Organization to have skilled, easily trained employees that can communicate effectively to help you increase your gross margins. The problem most face in achieving this, is the human aspect that can often be deceiving. People can ...

8 Ideas on how to become an Industry Leader and Ooze Profitability

By |January 13th, 2015|

It has been fifteen years since The Synergy Factor was first published and eight years since The Perpetual Money Machine was published. A lot has happened in the interim. I have worked with clients who have experienced business disaster as well as incredible success. I have worked with hundreds of ...

5 Steps to Increase Profitability with the RAISE Approach

By |January 8th, 2015|

Due to the positive response I received from my Finance plan blog, I decided to focus this blog on an overview of the RAISE approach that all businesses need to have in place in order to find and keep happy customers, employees, suppliers and investors. I have included excerpts from ...

  • Newfor2015

Plan 2015 to be the Best Year in Your Business Ever!

By |December 30th, 2014|

Most Success is Planning Success Even if you have talented people, a team culture, good equipment, and so forth; without an accurate sales plan, nothing else matters. Without revenue of some sort; no Organization, Company, or even a Person can survive for long. …

  • leader

Ways to Increase Profit: The New Leadership Training

By |December 4th, 2014|

The New Leadership Training What does it take to run an Organization smoothly? You know that when you hire a new employee, you have to train them so they know how to do the job the way you want it done. But how do you guarantee that they are getting ...

  • googleNYbuilding

When Google Read Our Blog…

By |November 24th, 2014|

This is a guest blog post written by Andrea Hewett, Social Media Business Director for Holt Marketing and Management Services, Inc. …

  • P&Lreport

The Definitive Guide to Increasing Your Gross Margins

By |November 17th, 2014|

Increasing Profit through Productivity Your business is doing well, it may even be doing great; but could it be better? This is something we ask ourselves on a daily basis and make sure to ask our clients. Are you where you should be when it comes to Key Performance Indicators? ...

Creating the Elusive Worktopia to Increase Growth

By |October 31st, 2014|

Change to be Better Change to be better is a methodical business practice of ever-changing strategies and innovation. A core belief of this method is that success is in learning and creating and passion. Most people don’t change their business practices because they believe that what they are doing is ...

The Vital Marketing Rules for Development and Expansion

By |October 20th, 2014|

We have reached part 5 of our Marketing Rules series, the final installment of “The 10 Most Important Rules of Smart Marketing in the New Economy.” Once more, if you want to read the first 4 blogs in the series you can read them all on our blog page here: ...

Marketing Rules: Impact the Critical Areas of Your Business

By |October 16th, 2014|

In part 4 of our Marketing Rules series, we focus on the steps you need to take to increase production, reduce errors, and avoid stress (as you can see in the illustration to the left, this is very important!) If you aren’t up to date with the series you can ...

The 10 Most Important Rules of Smart Marketing in the New Economy

By |October 9th, 2014|

marketing Marketing has been given quite the stigma in recent years. When you say you work in marketing, people tend to assume you spend all day on the phone bothering people who don’t need your products or services. Another misconception is that you just want to make money ...

Big Problems Solved: Be Better at Powerful Branding

By |October 3rd, 2014|

This is our third blog in our series Big Problems Solved… to read the first two, you can read blog #1 here: Big Problems Solved: Be Better at Brand Awareness Strategy or blog # 2 here: Big Problems Solved: Be Better at Marketing Your Business …

Struggling to Find and Keep Top Talent? Best Recruiting Strategies…

By |September 26th, 2014|

Do you have a need to expand your workforce? Do you stuggle to find and keep top talent for your important positions? Do you have a recurring need to hire large volumes of employees? Do you need to enhance, replace or institute a consistent recruitment process? Great employees can make ...

Is Your Manager an Entrepreneur or are they Sinking Your Ship?

By |September 15th, 2014|

For most of business history, management has meant management of a growing business. From now on, managers will not only manage existing business, they will have to be entrepreneurial innovators building new organizations as technology continues to change all markets and all organizations. This means to survive and grow, money ...

Click Here to Make Your Job Easier!

By |September 11th, 2014|

Your job is harder than mine. Although I am a CEO, responsible for daily operations for both my own business and that of my clients, this statement still has the potential for truth due to the systems and processes I have put in place. …

Help Your Customer Cut Costs and Increase Your Profits

By |August 22nd, 2014|

What is your single most important profit point? The answer comes from understanding customer priorities. This is accomplished by talking to customers and understanding their problems based on their perception, not yours. Today you have to reverse the traditional approach in which priorities are: core competencies, what we sell, and ...

The Business Plan that Never Fails

By |August 8th, 2014|

Most organizations don’t spend enough truly productive time attempting to improve the contol of their organization; these steps include oversight, measurement and manipulation of the organization’s processes to fulfill the organization’s sales and profit projections and the expectations of their customers. …

You Can’t Manage Time but You Can Manage Priorities!-part 2

By |July 29th, 2014|

Priority Management A calendar system typically uses a month-at-a-glance page(s), week or daily view. The month page is a bird’s-eye view of tasks and deadlines to come; this view becomes useful for scheduling a month in advance. The daily sheet should contain three areas: time slots for scheduled appointments; tasks ...

The Gross Margin Matrix – Avoiding System Failure

By |July 18th, 2014|

In today’s economy, businesses are often having trouble with sales and, most often, with increased sales they are still having profit problems. Why is this? Due to the current economic crises, demand has declined and more often than not, the competition responds by slashing prices to boost sales. What they ...

How We Increased our Lead Generation by 28%

By |July 11th, 2014|

In many parts of the country, we have been hit hard with high unemployment rates. This has resulted in a serious need to better communicate with both current and potential new customers. …